Welcome to the Screening and Quarantine Officer training 

This training is separated into 6 different streams based on the screening and quarantine officer roles under the Quarantine Act. Unsure of your role? Contact your hiring manager to determine your role and to obtain the appropriate enrollment key.

Core Compliance and Enforcement Curriculum

This program is for PHAC Screening Officers assigned at points of entry or at the Central Notification System. It focuses on learning to assess a traveller’s ability to meet the requirements for quarantine, to educate travellers on quarantine requirements and to triage travellers who require referral to a Clinical Screening Officer or Quarantine Officer. It includes practicing the response to travellers and learning about the completion of documentation requirements.

View this short instructional video for more information on becoming a PHAC Screening Officer: 


Estimated time to complete all training: 22-24 hours

This program is for Quarantine Officers (nurses or doctors). Quarantine Officers work with PHAC partners, local health authorities, law enforcement and other stakeholders to protect public health by doing health assessments and risk assessments on travellers at border points of entry. They take measures such as ordering travellers to undergo medical exams, ordering people to report to local health authorities and in some cases arrest and detain travellers to ensure public safety.

View this short instructional video on how to become a Quarantine Officer: 


Estimated time to complete training: 35-40 hours

This learning path contains QCMS training for non-designated staff.

*QCMS training for screening officers, clinical screening officers, and quarantine officers can be found within the SO/CSO/QO learning streams.*

If you have questions, contact phac.trainingandlearning-formationetapprentissage.aspc@canada.ca.