Coming Soon

Welcome to Health Canada's Nutrition Labelling Online Course! 

Today's food environment can make it challenging for Canadians to make healthier food choices, but using labels can help. To improve understanding of food labels, Health Canada's Food Directorate has launched the Nutrition Labelling Online Course. While this free course was developed for health professionals and educators, anyone interested in nutrition labelling will find it valuable.

Completing this course will increase your understanding of the latest nutrition labelling information. Further, if your work involves nutrition education, you can use this updated information to share with Canadians.

Course topics include:

  • Food labelling in Canada
  • Nutrition facts table
  • Serving size
  • % daily value
  • List of ingredients
  • Nutrition claims

The course is self-paced and takes about three hours to complete. It's filled with interactive content, quizzes, and resources. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Certificate of Achievement!

Welcome to CSSPI Course 1 – Introduction to Surveillance Using Poison Centre Data. 

Through the completion of this course, you will learn about the value of using poison centre data for surveillance, the role of CSSPI, and poison centres across Canada.

The course is divided into three modules. 

  • Importance of Using Poison Centre Data for Surveillance
  • CSSPI and Its Role
  • Poison Centers Across Canada

Duration: 2 hours

Target Audience: Canadian specialists in poison information

Pre-requisites: None

This course is intended for federal cannabis licence holders including licensed cultivators, processors and those who sell cannabis under the Cannabis Act. This course will provide licence holders with a broad overview of their requirements and give examples of how these requirements can be met.

This course is meant to give some background on the Act and Regulations governing cannabis in Canada, explain some of the obligations and requirements in the Act & Regulations that federal cannabis licence holders need to meet, and explain Health Canada’s framework for enforcing the Cannabis Act & its Regulations.

Topics include:

  • Licensing
  • Good Production Practices
  • Pesticides
  • Packaging and Labelling
  • Promotions
  • Recalls
  • Adverse Reactions
  • Reporting
  • Compliance Policy
  • Inspections
  • Enforcement

Approach: Online self-paced

Duration: 6 hours

Target audience: Federal Cannabis License Holders and/or Applicants

Prerequisite: None

Disclaimer: This course does not constitute part of the Cannabis Act (Act) or its associated Regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between that Act or Regulations and this course, the Act or the Regulations take precedence. This course is not intended to provide legal advice regarding the interpretation or application of the Act or Regulations. If a regulated party has questions about legal obligations or responsibilities under the Act or Regulations, they should seek their own legal advice.

This course will be used by first responders and first receivers who are participating in the FRDE kits project. This project intends to provide provinces and municipalities with dosimetry materials and training that can be used in case of radiological or nuclear emergency. The project condenses and streamlines just some of the services offered by the Radiation Protection Bureau, making accessible the knowledge and materials needed to assess dose in the field. These kits are intended for those who already have a basic understanding of radiological concepts and emergency response, but will nonetheless be made open source. Ideally, this course can be taken by anyone interested in the services and projects offered by the RPB, and can further demonstrate some of the steps taken to maintain public health and safety.